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International Native Casting B.V.

Our story.

One of the biggest challenges we faced more than 35 years ago, when we arrived in the Netherlands, wasn't learning Dutch.  No, the real up-hill-climb was that we had to learn a completely new language:  DINGLISH.  Sounding mostly like English, it's actually a language of its own; with its own grammar.  The coolest thing is: everyone speaks it!

I always get my sin
The first time that we stumbled over Dinglish was when a fellow actor guaranteed us, 'oh yes, guys, when it comes to roles, I always get my sin'.  Our eyebrows shot up and we, Chip Bray and Lee M. Ross, simultaneously intoned, 'oh… really?!'

Dinglish faux pas
Since that day we have been avid collectors of Dinglish faux pas. 

Another example was Lee's new neighbor who welcomed him to his new home by saying, 'Amsterdammers always first look the cat out of the tree'.  Another charming and quite funny example is when a female minister welcomed her international guest to a formal dinner by saying, 'I am the first minister for the inside and I am having my first period'.  Or one of her male colleagues thanking his high level visitors, 'I thank you all from the bottom of my heart… and from my wife's bottom, too'.

Proper English
As charming as Dinglish is, our clients prefer not to make such gaffes. They need authentic actors with original accents.  And who can blame them?  In often expensive and complicated international productions no one can afford to make such blunders.

The inspirational light for INCasting blinked on in 2006, when we realized how difficult and expensive casting foreign actors could be, while we, Lee M. Ross and Chip Bray, had built up an enormous network of actors from around the globe. Since then we've grown to represent more than 3000 actors who speak a combined 52 languages and 289 accents.  In the meantime, our roster of national and international clients keeps growing.

The tricks of the trade
With more than 60 years of experience on stage and screen, from acting to production, trainings, animation, and direction, we understand exactly what our clients are searching for.  We help by finding the right actor/actress for the right role. Upfront and central is our showbiz understanding, flexibility and professionalism. Those are just some of the reasons why we are regularly called by fellow casting agencies.